Saturday, 27 September 2014

To My Best Friend (a precious note from my best friend and sister, on my birthday 26th of September).

To my best friend,
I won't shut my eyes to sleep till its the 26th.
First, allow me to express deep appreciation to the One who made you... When I look at you I say to myself; "God is a creator!" Then I watch your life and I say again; "God must be terribly hilarious, extremely beautiful... Infinitely polygonal!
The truth is, its easy to see God in you! Your life is beautiful, a mighty blessing! Everyone can testify!
There's even the time your hairstyle was blonde, then red, then you told me you wanted it blue! Hahaha! After all, who made the rainbows? Aha! You see what I mean?
In your simplicity, you have expressed God in His magnificence! What better existence is there?
For all those songs and poems you've written, for all those jeans you've cut with razor into lil' pants,(lol)! For all your creativity, for all the lives you've touched! For always making me happy... I thank God immensely!
Its another year for you... May God be forever expressed through you and the world will see and fear Him!
To my best friend
May we never end!

Pauline Ezeka

[I carry your heart with me (I carry it in] BY E. E. CUMMINGS

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
And you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)


It took me too long to learn this lesson,
And despite how easy it sounds, I have to learn it Everyday!

My heart is so open to love that when I love, I really do,
that sorta kinda means that I may sometimes sorta kinda depend on you to make me happy.
Nooo I'm not expecting you to hand me daily jars of happy
-but there's a rush I get just being close to you in speech, text or urrhmm, view?
Maybe that's why I get kind of paranoid when I haven't been in contact with you for the last 5 minutes.

"You know I love you right?" I ask you on a constant.
I hope you never tire of hearing it, 
Or maybe begin to take it lightly
-when I know the power in words,
The power in my words -that string me by every joint once I utter them.

...okay, a series of not so unfortunate events after

And not that I don't like what it felt like to just love you,
But I've learned that I must love myself more-
Enough to realize that my happiness shouldn't depend on whether I have you or not,
But because I have Him, 
And His joy is my strength!



Monday, 15 September 2014

My One Thing

My one thing always leads to another
The linking of my fingers to yours
As though eternity was created by the prints in our hands
And our hearts beat in the middle of our palms

-because you know we need this simple complexity to go on

Open to all your mind's complexities
Because this love has been written in ancient scrolls
For a time like this which will come but once, before it exists no longer

My train of thoughts desperately seeking a continuity in your eyes
As though begging them to bleed a revelation of what my tomorrow is in your heart

You are soft, and your heart beats tender
With my plunger I wish to pump it faster

Beat for me like I beat for you
Let your red blood flow like the rhythmic lyrics of your lips
Let your eyes bleed a revelation of what my tomorrow is in your heart...

My pulse resonates with your silence, begging to breathe in it life if only you would permit
Your blood is red, so is mine
My smile is weak, I watch yours fade


My one thing always leads to another
The linking of my fingers to yours, firm, strong
Yet uncertain of what this eternity is made of


While We Waited

While we waited, we forgot to dream
We forgot to remember the strength that lies within our frailties
That on our own we are made to soar-
-not without the recognition of the One who is supreme
The One whom in our weakness strengthens our frail forms
Moulding the spark out of our ugly.

While we waited, we trampled on grace
With every wave off' our silent thoughts, which indeed was made to build our empire
We waited...
For day for night
For chance for 'green'
We waited, that maybe 'the man' may help us stand
Forgetting that on our own we are made to soar-

Why wait still?
Why wait for September rem
Why set the tick of your clock for dawn that would arise at dusk
Why wait
When on your own you were made to soar
Through January, February, March, April till December too
365 days beaded with the glory that you are to make shine

Do you not know, that on your own you are made to soar- ?
